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Program Information
Ministry Of Ixachilan
Our indigenous culminating solution to the eschatology of all cultures.
Manuel Alvidrez -- The Chihuahua Chiricahua... of the Apache/Tarahumara/Huichol Nations.... From the Ministry Of Ixachilan in: Frazier Mountain, California {Toshololo/Iwihinmu/Tecuya}
 Manuel Alvidrez  Contact Contributor
Jan. 21, 2016, 11:37 p.m.
He's Not The Only One... is a recorded show made for contemplating on what and where Heaven and Hell really is... and about what it would be like to live only for today... and if there were no countries or religions... also about living life in peace... and if there were no possessions... and if we were to share all the world.... This song is also an inspiration for promoting the ways to actually achieve all of this through inviting all people to join me in creating a social media game that would demonstrate exactly how.... Those who may be interested, please send me a message.
John Lennon
Those who tune in here to hear, may you also listen carefully to the sounds and words made to resonate through all the senses of your hearts and minds. These songs were not picked for my show to simply entertain the mere curious. They have been carefully selected for the sacred words that ring true to the premise of my indigenous ministry and its mission. The songs of these wonderful writers and the commentaries I make, are incorporated here to be contemplated, with the same attention that a devoted student would place on any scientific study of critical concern... and just as in any study of art, music or science; the more it is practiced, the more likely for it to be sufficiently grasped, in order to begin mastering the ability and the genuine qualification to also begin teaching their lessons to others... who also need the understanding in their lives; for not only their own personal fulfillment, but for the continual perpetuation of its light into the future.

Those who may be interested in this indigenous ministry, are encouraged to approach it not in any religious or sanctimonious manner, but simply as a true and honest disciple of a sacred study that demands a student's devoted discipline; which in this case is for the assurance of gaining a clear understanding of the spiritual value and importance imbued in the messages of these songs and commentaries. All actual Truth is never religious by nature, but simply indigenous and universal to all people... and belongs to any of those who are ready and mature enough to identify with the substance it is made from... of which only Spirit can relate with. We all have our physical origins with Mother Earth, with the same inner spiritual destiny of reaching out towards Father Sky. It is up to all of us to realize our common purpose and to spread this awareness of light to all souls who are presently being allowed to make decisions for the world in the dark. May we all recognize the present urgency to wake up to what really matters most to the future of new generations and begin becoming part of counteracting all these currently forming destructive cancers of darkness spreading out throughout the world... with the creative light of Truth that we can all agree upon, that is naturally meant to be spread by the True Spirit within us, awaiting our awakening and our action.

The unforgivable sin, is to know better, without actually doing better. So let us all awaken who we really are in our hearts, in order to awaken all humanity from the terrors of an increasingly devastating nightmare, that will certainly affect everyone collectively on the planet 'till its final eschatological end by remaining so complacent about the issues that call us all. Peace, Love and Justice are only possible through the agreement of everyone who make it possible, as we awaken to the spiritual beings that we all are meant to find ourselves to be. May we all learn to define and clearly understand the universal meanings of the Great Spirit and find all the ways to show our global solidarity with the Truths that bring the world to recognize our one common-ground of Mother Earth... in order to prepare ourselves spiritually, towards our much higher common-space of Father Sky.

Our time on this wonderful plane is so short and my own calling towards my own final earthly walk beyond the horizon, is sure to come on any given sunset….. I look forward to being as ready as I can…. and restfully knowing that I have at least left a small but potentially helpful contribution to you all and hopefully to those after you, if these messages of hope are ever valued enough to pass on to further generations.

Feel free to inquire for a catalog of my much deeper lessons and offerings, available to all people worldwide by email and by phone. Thanks to all of you who listen with sincere concern for the world and are openly willing to express your interest and your gratitude. I would love to hear from you. Check in periodically for many more of my upcoming shows of 'Voices Of IllumiNation' and for many other upcoming sermons and ceremonies that I perform live on our sacred mountain and share online. Download, enjoy and please copy and share the following link with all your friends through email or social media:
Thank you all once again for listening and supporting this new series of programs that speaks to all who really are seeking common-ground with all people..... Manuel Alvidrez of the Ministry Of Ixachilan.

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00:15:31 1 Jan. 21, 2016
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