Reality Sandwich had run for over six years and though there were some new parts of the assassination puzzle emerging, the weekly show was starting to sound stale. Paul Kangas had started to introduce alternative medicine into the show.
But there was new information from the murder of Dr Martin Luther King. His son had recently been on ABC news, calling for a new investigation. Though Kangas had discussed the US Army use of snipers to track King for the final years of his life, the general public was still not aware of this.
And there was still celebration upon the recent release of Geronimo ji Jaga, held prisoner for decades for a murder he did not commit. The FBI had an informant following him, who knew he was in Oakland when a murder happened in southern California. They never interceded, and the guilty party is still free while Geronimo sat in prison. That informant is now a judge in Los Angeles.
Paul Kangas Music: San Francisco Mime Troupe "Armageddon Man" J.R. Ryan & The Future Shock Beatnik Band "Prosecute Bush" KPOO Radio, San Francisco, CA
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