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Program Information
Peak Oil Check-In
A weekly comment on peak oil and energy scarcity
Carl Etnier
 Carl Etnier WGDR  Contact Contributor
Aug. 13, 2010, 9:29 a.m.
In his 2005 book The Long Emergency, author James Howard Kunstler describes a future in which suburbia meets what he calls “a tragic destiny.” Detroit is helping us see some of the details of that destiny. (Encore; originally posted March 10, 2009.)
Produced by Relocalizing Vermont Productions. Theme music by Pete Sutherland, Malvina Reynolds.
Free for non-commercial use. Contact me for conditions for commercial use. Please email me at if you broadcast it. Thanks!

AP article cited:;_ylt=AnPXWofPo8YElWVqzCjtDKKs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTFhbnJqczVnBHBvcwM0BHNlYwN5b

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00:05:37 1 March 10, 2009
East Montpelier, Vermont
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 00:05:37  128Kbps mp3
(5MB) Mono
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