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Program Information
State Of The City reports
Exporting Wars w Lena Petrova, Weapons Makers Enjoy Record 555% Shareholders Returns
 Bristol Broadband Co-operative  Contact Contributor
Aug. 30, 2024, midnight
– Joe Banks and Isaac Kneebone Hopkins, Bristol freelance journalists, join Tony and Martin. Why did they choose journalism?
– Joe has researched planning in Bristol, and found a revolving doors system, and short termism.
– Paul Martin is the new Chief Executive – he has a history of agreeing to projects that don’t benefit the public.
– Bristol Planning Prioritising Speculators over Citizens – Post – buses articles. Short termism. University flats. Commercialisation of universities.
– Mental health students. Enterprise campus near Temple Meads.
– Bristol Council bankrupt. New Bristol Committee system. Who’s in charge? Greens’ new chair of planning Rob Bryher won’t come on this show.
– New council leader warns of bankruptcy threat Councillor Tony Dyer. He is wearing a light grey suit with a pink shirt. He is wearing glasses.
– Thames Water 60% increase in water charges. Renationalise water. Local government budgets cut. Kier Starmer’s speech. Why no simple solution: ‘People’s QE’?
– Thames Water says it must hike customer bills by nearly 60% by 2030 or it will be ‘uninvestable’
– ‘How to Stop the Future from Destroying Us’. Joe Banks’ article for Vice News on futurism, and Vinay Gupta
– What Isaac learnt from visiting Cuba. Sanctions used as warfare. Summer 2024 Solidarity Brigade will visit Santa Clara, the site of the Che Guevara monument and museum
– Cuba crumbles but excellent healthcare, vs. UK NHS meltdown during property speculators’ boom
– ‘Our City’ book by Susanne Audrey coming out in September, including Joe’s research on planning. Our City: Community Activism In Bristol Edited by Suzanne Audrey
– Roger Cook – Central TV Cook Report on buying nuclear weapons on the black market.
– Rowland Dye, from Palestine Solidarity Campaign, joins Tony and Martin. Rowland used to work in the nuclear medicine business, but is now an anti nuclear campaigner.
– Nuclear power plants make nuclear weapons. ‘Command and Control’ book by Schlosser.
– The Limits of Safety, Organisations, Accidents and Nuclear Weapons – by Scott D. Sagan (1993) –
– UNSAFE! UK nuclear bomb factory just South of the M4 between J11 and the services in Reading. Nuclear weapons factory near Reading handed warning after inspection
– Ukraine aimed to take control of the Kursk nuclear plant. Hinckley build defensive wall around. Roland’s documentaries on You Tube. Putin claims Ukraine tried to attack Kursk nuclear plant
– Pro-Palestine journalist Sarah Wilkinson arrested – Craig Murray, Sarah Wilkinson, Richard Medhurst arrested (last week) for ‘supporting Hamas, a proscribed terrorist organisation’.
– Massive Attack delighted soaked fans – Massive Attack’s hometown gig was everything I imagined and more. Massive Attack fans gathered on The Downs last night
– UK police charge co-founder of Palestine Action under Terrorism Act Richard Barnard is accused of expressing support for Hamas and has been charged with two counts of criminal damage
– ‘Exporting Wars’ film Lena Petrova – money from wars. The West Bank killings this week. Weapons Makers Enjoy Record 555% Shareholders’ Returns
– F16 shot down ‘by US Patriot missile’ today in Ukraine. Ukraine F-16 downed by Friendly Fire from Patriot missile
– Tricked? For Israel? Telegram CEO Pavel Durov detained at Le Bourget airport last Saturday after flying in from Azerbaijan.
– Durov told police he was on his way to meet Macron for dinner, according to the French outlet Le Canard Enchaine.
– RT - Andre Kelin - London Ambassador to Russia. Ambassador Andrei Kelin's interview with RT, August 28, 2024
– Zionist Rabbis’ ‘Seven Noahide Laws’ to govern ‘gentile untermensch’? True News – Steven – Jana Ben Nunn – Secret Doctrine in Israel – Trump as Messiah? Or antichrist?
– Rewilding Britain Timeline – Partners George Monbiot and Rebecca Wrigley’s Cover For WEF/Private Equity’s Enclosure By Stealth?
– WEF-Wrigley-Monbiot’s Corporate ‘Rewilding’ Scam INVESTIGATION: To Enable Multinational Corporatinss To Buy Up UK Farmland On The Cheap
– The WEF say: “..In the future, food will be produced more intensively in fewer areas”, and “less productive land will be used for rewilding”
– March Toward Agenda 2030 The Expose News: “Obscured by noble-sounding verbiage, the text of the World Economic Forum’s Agenda 2030 hides a hideous truth
– WEF Promotes Fascist Ideology WEF often speaks about the “transformative potential of public-private partnerships.”
– Tony’s Bible Revelation study.February 2008 – Revelation 6 – – The Four Horsemen and Beyond, Revelation’s prophetic timetable
– The prophetic timetable June 2009 – [latest 2 page document of Revelation/Illuminati timeline for printing
– Tony’s anthology: occult government since the English civil war (2020)
– Tony’s book: The Siege of Heaven Reader – occult government since the English civil war (2020)
– Regicide English Civil War cult and the origins of Freemasonry, Abbe Larudan (1746)
– Former English Civil War Army Officer turned ‘Leveller’ John Lilburne encounters Cromwell’s ‘Council of State’ in 1649
– NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
Part One – Local and National News Review

Joe Banks and Isaac Kneebone Hopkins, Bristol freelance journalists, join Tony and Martin. Why did they choose journalism? What happened to Vice magazine? Joe has researched planning in Bristol, and found a revolving doors system, and short termism. Paul Martin is the new Chief Executive – he has a history of agreeing to projects that don’t benefit the public. New Bristol City Council chief executive is named He’ll only be an interim one until they find someone to do the job permanently The new man in charge of Bristol City Council – for the next few months at least – has been named, as Paul Martin, a local government boss who previously ran councils in London and the Government of Jersey. Mr Martin has been chosen as the interim chief executive at City Hall, and will run the authority while the council recruits a permanent chief executive. The previous one, Stephen Peacock, is leaving at the start of June to take up a new role as the West of England Combined Authority’s chief executive. Council leader Cllr Tony Dyer has told councillors and staff at City Hall that Paul Martin will ‘lead us through an important transitional period’, as the organisation running Bristol gets used to the new committee system in place of having a directly-elected mayor. In a letter to staff, Cllr Dyer thanked the outgoing chief exec Stephen Peacock, whose last day in the job will be on June 9. “During his time here he has led the council through some challenging times, but he has always been focused on making a difference to the lives of our citizens and supporting our dedicated workforce towards our goals,” said Cllr Dyer. Mr Martin comes with a track record of leading big local authorities in London – most notably Wansdworth and Richmond-upon-Thames and in 2021 he took up a temporary role as the chief executive for the Government of Jersey. In Wandsworth, he was in charge as the council there co-ordinated big regeneration projects, including Battersea Power Station and the Nine Elms redevelopment, which became well known and sparked controversy over its ‘poor door’ system which separated social housing tenants from other residents, and denied them the use of a landmark rooftop pool.

Bristol Planning Prioritising Speculators over Citizens – Post – buses articles. Short termism. University flats. Commercialisation of universities. Mental health students. Enterprise campus near Temple Meads. Questions over Temple Quarter’s public spaces after phone ban ‘fiasco’ ast week a publicly accessible space behind Temple Meads station saw signs appearing to ban phones Councillors have raised questions over how public spaces will be managed in a major regeneration project in Bristol. Ten thousand homes are planned for a 130-hectare area around Temple Meads train station, as well as space for 22,000 jobs and a new university campus. The Temple Quarter regeneration is a joint project between Bristol City Council, Homes England, the West of England Combined Authority and Network Rail. In January they will set up a new company to lead the project, then hire a developer in spring next year. The University of Bristol is building a new campus behind Temple Meads, where the Royal Mail sorting office used to be. Contractors will soon start enabling works on Temple Island, ahead of 500 flats, offices and a hotel being built there by Legal & General, a finance firm. However it’s unclear whether the new “public areas” in all of the developments will be owned privately. Last week signs were temporarily put up appearing to ban the use of phones in a publicly accessible area in Temple Quay North, owned by Homes England, a government developer. Green Councillor Martin Fodor pressed for answers on whether the “fiasco” would be repeated once the Temple Quarter regeneration was complete, during a cabinet meeting on Tuesday, November 7. Mayor Marvin Rees said the area will become much more accessible. Cllr Fodor said: “Will the spaces between the developments, the public spaces, the roads, and any new areas for recreation be in public hands or private hands? More and more of the city is in private hands, managed in Harbourside, Millennium Square, Cabot Circus and Temple Quay North.

Bristol Council bankrupt. New Bristol Committee system. Who’s in charge? Greens’ new chair of planning Rob Bryher won’t come on this show. New council leader warns of bankruptcy threat Councillor Tony Dyer. He is wearing a light grey suit with a pink shirt. He is wearing glasses. The first ever Green leader of Bristol has warned that the city council is at risk of going bankrupt unless urgent action is taken. Councillor Tony Dyer has revealed that the authority presently faces an overspend of £22m. A savings programme is being developed, with warnings that some charges will also rise. But there is already criticism from campaigners, with accusations that the Greens have rowed back on earlier pledges. ‘Very challenging’ In May’s local elections the Greens won the most seats, though without an overall majority. They were delighted, but three months later the mood is very different. Money was already tight, but extra costs have come to light, and planned savings have fallen short. “The financial situation is very challenging,” said Mr Dyer. That has led to a warning that Bristol could end up issuing a Section 114 notice – effectively going bankrupt.

Thames Water 60% increase in water charges. Renationalise water. Local government budgets cut. Kier Starmer’s speech. Why no simple solution: ‘People’s QE’? Thames Water says it must hike customer bills by nearly 60% by 2030 or it will be ‘uninvestable’ Britain’s biggest water supplier made the shock demand in its response to Ofwat’s proposals to cap household water charges. Credit: PA Archive/PA Images Thames Water has said it needs to hike customer bills by up to nearly 60% by 2030 or warned it will become “uninvestable”. Britain’s biggest water supplier made the shock demand in its response to Ofwat’s proposals to cap household water charges. Ofwat proposed in its draft determination in July that water firms should be allowed to increase bills by a third less than they had requested on average, capping it at around £19 extra a year. Thames Water put forward plans in April to increase bills by 44% in the five years to 2030. But Ofwat has proposed that Thames Water bill increases should be capped at 23% over that period and spending at £16.9 billion. Debt-laden Thames Water has now come back saying that it believes customer bills need to rise by far more than Ofwat has proposed – and even more than the firm itself first put forward. The water company proposed raising average yearly water bills to as much as £696, a 59% increase, if it is given extra spending allowances by the regulator. The average bill over the five-year period from 2025 to 2030 would be £638 under the proposal. Average bills in 2023 to 2024 were £433.

‘How to Stop the Future from Destroying Us’. Joe Banks’ article for Vice News on futurism, and Vinay Gupta …. Vinay Gupta Explains How to Stop the Future from Destroying Us Vinay Gupta: “People are too stupid to understand they’re being handed a solution” Gupta was part of the original ‘Cypherpunk‘ generation that shaped the utopian early days of the internet in the 1990s. But as well as being a long-established figure in computing, he has a broader history of applying his problem-solving engineer’s mindset to the issues of a sustainable human presence on Earth. Nuclear war. Resource scarcity. Climate change. AI. Network states. Space travel. In his work as a “global resilience guru” for the US government, the Red Cross, and various think tanks, universities, and institutes, Gupta has run the worst-case scenarios on these and other nightmares you haven’t even dreamt of yet, in order to stop the future destroying us. Along the way, he’s invented the Hexayurt—a cheap, easy-to-build temporary shelter that could house millions of refugees at short notice—and coordinated the launch of Ethereum, the blockchain platform whose cryptocurrency Ether is now the second largest in the world. Today, he runs Mattereum, a company he co-founded to apply galaxy-brain blockchain tech to real-world assets, aiming to transform the global economy and the daily lives of us all. Donald Trump recently declared that he would make America “the crypto capital of the world,” while the planet’s biggest asset manager, BlackRock, has bet heavily on the future of blockchain. But the crypto world continues to be tarnished by scams and hacking thefts. Amid all this noise, what will become of the dreams of the original crypto-anarchists, like Gupta, who pioneered all this stuff in the first place?

What Isaac learnt from visiting Cuba. Sanctions used as warfare. Summer 2024 Solidarity Brigade will visit Santa Clara, the site of the Che Guevara monument and museum, world heritage city Trinidad and explore local development in Cienfuegos. Summer 2024 brigade programme includes working in a rural area outside Havana alongside local farmers, as well as visits to museums and historical sites, plus talks on the current challenges of the US blockade, the economy, democracy and international solidarity. They will visit the Ecological Research Station in the Sierra del Rosario Biosphere Reserve to explore Cuba’s incredible biodiversity and how the environment is being protected. While in Cienfuegos they will visit a children’s community project and theatre, an agricultural cooperative to look at sustainable agriculture, and a small business to discuss new economic models on the island. They will also get to visit the city of Trinidad, a world heritage site, and spend the eve of the important national date 26 July with a local community, visiting Santa Clara and the Che Guevara museum and monument there on 26 July.

‘Our City’ book by Susanne Audrey coming out in September, including Joe’s research on planning. Our City: Community Activism In Bristol Edited by Suzanne Audrey Publication Date Sepember 26. Pre-orders Dispatched By Sept 23 The UK government’s austerity agenda, and Bristol’s ill-fated mayoral system, are the context for this collection of essays from activists focussing on promoting inclusion, community campaigning and city planning. Six essays illustrate achievements, resisting cuts to special educational needs provision, reclaiming independent living for disabled people, and championing the reparations movement. Campaigns erupt when something we care about is under threat. The campaigns described here involve Ursa the Bear, boaters’ rights, allotmenteering, public access to Stoke Lodge playing fields, street trees, and Yew Tree Farm. Controversial planning decisions relating to Bristol’s arena, St Mary le Port, Bristol Zoo Gardens, Cumberland Basin, and Broadwalk shopping centre raised alarm about the quality of city planning. Those who objected describe their determination to expose and challenge poor decision-making. In a city with a history of resistance, the demise of the ‘strong leader’ mayoral model was perhaps inevitable. But community activism lives on. The authors of these essays contribute a wealth of experience to inspire and inform future activists in our city and beyond.

Isaac has a fortnightly podcast ‘People Just Do Something’, on Cable website. Listen: People Just Do Something and how to start a student encampment People Just Do Something is a relaxing and possibly enraging podcast about people who might self-identify as activists, untangling the means of effecting change in Bristol, broken Britain and beyond. People Just Do Something Pro-Palestine student encampments that began in the US earlier this year quick began popping up around the world. Students across Britain, including in Bristol, pitched their tents on their institution’s greens and public spaces to send a clear message and have remained there for months. The encampments were united by a simple cause: forcing academic institutions to divest funds from companies complicit in Israel’s genocide in Gaza. British universities alone have invested almost £4.3 billion in companies that fund, service or arm Israel, while flatly denying links to its regime. Those camping out at the University of Bristol’s Royal Fort Gardens said they would remain there until the uni “ends its complicity”. It resisted attempts to clear them off, including a legal challenge from the university, before standing down after a two-month stand off. In this second instalment of our new podcast series, People Just Do Something, reporters Priyanka and Isaac sit down with Daniel Green from the Palestine encampment at Cardiff University to discuss what it takes to organise one, including strategy, safeguarding, and communication.
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Roger Cook – Central TV Cook Report on buying nuclear weapons on the black market. Nuclear material on black market. Iran nuclear bomb? the programme hired an eminent consultant nuclear engineer who built us a highly accurate replica nuclear device in a briefcase from information freely available on the internet. There were several options, but the programme opted to replicate a relatively simple bomb that would operate in one of two modes – in that even if it failed to produce a nuclear explosion, it would still act as a very effective Radiological Dispersal Device – an RDD. These evil devices later became known as ‘dirty bombs’, so called because triggering them would disperse countless millions of highly radioactive particles over the target area and could render that area uninhabitable for centuries. In a seedy back-street maisonette in Moscow, Cook’s Mafiosi targets negotiated to sell him 25 kilogrammes of Plutonium 239 for $200 million and offered a sample from a stash kept under the stairs next to their vacuum cleaner. The situation was as bizarre as it was dangerous and the sample later tested out as the real thing. Also on offer was a ready-made bomb in the form of an SS-20 nuclear warhead. Naturally, that was as far as the programme took the transaction, but the vendors were reported to the Russian security services, the FSB, later that day. They were promptly arrested and the illegal nuclear material was recovered. So, it was relatively easy to build a dirty bomb – and as the Cook Report would prove, relatively easy to acquire the nuclear material needed to do so. And if mere journalists could do this, surely a terrorist could too.

Rowland Dye, from Palestine Solidarity Campaign, joins Tony and Martin. Rowland used to work in the nuclear medicine business, but is now an anti nuclear campaigner. Post Communism corruption. Nuclear power plants make nuclear weapons. ‘Command and Control’ book by Schlosser. ‘The Limits to Safety’ book. Command and Control Nuclear Weapons, the Damascus Accident, and the Illusion of Safety Eric Schlosser’s Command and Control details many, many incidents of the failure of safety systems and procedures resulting in the near detonation of nuclear weapons. Imagine potentially live thermonuclear weapons falling off trolleys and clattered across the concrete. Aircraft with full bomb loads of nukes catching fire and burning to ash on US airbases. Nuclear bombers crashing and spreading plutonium dust for miles around. Planes taking off with their wiring mixed up, so that setting the onboard bombs to ‘safe’ actually armed them for detonation. These are the kinds of incidents Schlosser describes, and they are truly terrifying. At the heart of ‘command and control’ lies the story of an accident at a missile silo in rural Arkansas, where a handful of men struggled to prevent the explosion of a ballistic missile carrying the most powerful nuclear warhead ever built by the United States Schlosser interweaves this minute-by-minute account with a historical narrative that spans more than fifty years. It depicts the urgent effort by american scientists, policymakers, and military officers to ensure that nuclear weapons can’t be stolen, sabotaged, used without permission, or detonated inadvertently looking at the cold war from a new perspective, schlosser offers history from the ground up, telling the stories of bomber pilots, missile commanders, maintenance crews, and other ordinary servicemen who risked their lives to avert a nuclear holocaust.Drawing on recently declassified documents and interviews with men who designed and routinely handled nuclear weapons, command and control takes readers into a terrifying but fascinating world that, until now, has been largely hidden from view it reveals how even the most brilliant of minds can offer us only the illusion of control audacious, gripping and unforgettable, command and control is a tour de force of investigative journalism

The Limits of Safety, Organisations, Accidents and Nuclear Weapons – by Scott D. Sagan (1993) – Environmental tragedies such as Chernobyl and the Exxon Valdez remind us that catastrophic accidents are always possible in a world full of hazardous technologies. Yet, the apparently excellent safety record with nuclear weapons has led scholars, policy-makers, and the public alike to believe that nuclear arsenals can serve as a secure deterrent for the foreseeable future. In this provocative book, Scott Sagan challenges such optimism. Sagan’s research into formerly classified archives penetrates the veil of safety that has surrounded U.S. nuclear weapons and reveals a hidden history of frightening “close calls” to disaster. “Scott Sagan’s book is nothing less than a tour de force…. It is by far the most carefully researched and painstaking study of nuclear weapons safety ever written.”—Bruce G. Blair, Security Studies “Sagan’s stories also drive a wooden stake through the heart of rational choice nuclear deterrence theory. This book will make you scared … will make you hold your children a little tighter at the end of the day.”—Lee Clarke, Sociological Forum “Sagan shows, both explicitly for nuclear weapons and implicitly for intellectual systems, that neither learning nor disasters are essentially matters of improving O-rings, safety procedures, or t-tests, as participants within those systems would like to believe. The primary adaptive action is offstage–in the background framework itself. And at that level, through sheer volume of its data, Sagan’s book will shape the way that policymakers and we (with a little less confidence) understand the nuclear world.” ? Contemporary Sociology “Grounded in original research in U.S. national security archives, [Limits of Safety] reveals a disturbing history of near-catastrophes in the handling of nuclear weapons and bombers. . . . This book is a significant contribution to . . . international security studies, organizational theory, and risk analysis.” ? American Political Science Review NukewatchUK Watching Britain’s Weapons of Mass Destruction How to spot a nuclear weapons convoy Once seen, a nuclear warhead convoy is easily recognisable and unlike anything else on the roads. There is a multiplicity of escort vehicles, often spread out over several miles, and travelling at up to 55mph. The best way to tell if you have seen a nuclear weapons convoy is to compare it to our recent videos here A warhead convoy contains: Warhead load carriers (enormous, plain dark green trucks) Ministry of Defence Police escort vehicles Military support vehicles to deal with accidents or breakdowns The warhead carriers are 44 tons, seven axle, articulated dark green trucks made by Mercedes-Benz. They are military green with the rear trailer covered by a fitted canvas. These trucks are known as TCHD’s, short for Truck Cargo Heavy Duty. Usual Convoy Configuration There could be a number of motorcycle outriders who will change position throughout the convoy as they stop traffic on side roads (*these outriders do not normally accompany the Convoy along motorways). Mercedes vans with large blue and yellow checkered stripes carrying the convoy commander and escort commander will be in front and behind. There are usually between 3 and 5 warhead carriers. Mercedes vans travel immediately in front and behind each carrier. The fire engine will follow, sometimes at a distance. The three support vehicles of Mobile Workshop & trailer, Breakdown Truck, and Support Coach travel some distance behind the main convoy. If the carriers are held up then these vehicles will wait several miles behind. All vehicles travel with lights on even in daytime.

UNSAFE! UK nuclear bomb factory just South of the M4 between J11 and the services in Reading. Nuclear weapons factory near Reading handed warning after inspection The Atomic Weapons Establishment, Aldermaston and Burghfield has failed to address shortfalls Safety measures must be improved at a weapons factory near Reading, a regulator has warned. The Atomic Weapons Establishment, Aldermaston and Burghfield, has “failed to adequately address shortfalls”, the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) warned on July 19. The factory makes warheads for Trident, the UK’s nuclear weapons programme. The regulator has served improvement notices to the firm, demanding it improves “risk assessments for organisational change which may affect safety”. The regulator said: “[We] do not consider that the issue poses an immediate risk to nuclear safety, but expect to see sustained improvements so that safety is not adversely affected in the future. “ONR has been focusing on AWE’s organisational change performance for some time.” The regulator previously sent an enforcement letter, carried out targeted inspections, and given advice and guidance. David Cullen, director of the Nuclear Information Service, said: “Even after seven years of enhanced regulation, and two years into an improvement plan, there seems no end in sight and problems keep emerging. In a statement, Atomic Weapons Establishment said: “While improvements have been made, we recognise there is more work to do … and are committed to making the necessary enhancements.” The firm, which owns the factory near Reading, Berkshire, is required to comply with the improvement notices by January 2021. Last week, four protesters were found guilty of aggravated trespass at AWE Burghfield, while blocking entrances. Campaigners from Trident Ploughshares shut down the factory for the day on October 24, 2018. Chris Bluemel, one of those found guilty, previously said that Trident breaches international humanitarian law and the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Ukraine aimed to take control of the Kursk nuclear plant. Hinckley build defensive wall around. Roland’s documentaries on You Tube. Putin claims Ukraine tried to attack Kursk nuclear plant Vladimir Putin chairs a meeting on situation in Belgorod, Kursk and Bryansk following Ukraine’s invasion Vladimir Putin has claimed Ukraine tried to attack a nuclear power plant in Russia’s Kursk region overnight. The Russian president made the claim in a meeting with senior officials on Thursday in which Moscow’s response to Ukraine’s invasion of Russia’s border region was discussed. “The enemy tried to strike the nuclear power plant at night, the International Atomic Energy Agency has been informed,” Putin said on Thursday. Kursk’s governor Alexei Smirnov said that 133,190 people had left the border region, while Bryansk’s governor Alexander Bogomaz told Putin that an attempt by Ukraine to pierce its border had been repelled overnight. Kyiv’s incursion into Kursk, which was launched more than two weeks ago, saw thousands of Ukrainian troops pierce Russia’s western border, catching Moscow by surprise. Ukraine did not immediately respond to Putin’s claim.

Pro-Palestine journalist Sarah Wilkinson arrested – Craig Murray, Sarah Wilkinson, Richard Medhurst arrested (last week) for ‘supporting Hamas, a proscribed terrorist organisation’. Why hasn’t Israel’s genocidal Likud party been proscribed? History of Palestine. Reporter Sarah Wilkinson arrested by UK government for opposition to Gaza genocide British human rights activist and reporter Sarah Wilkinson was arrested by UK police on Thursday morning, and subsequently released, allegedly for content she published online in support of Palestine and against the Israeli genocide in Gaza. The social media account Suppressed News quoted Jack Wilkinson, her brother, as saying, “The police came to her house just before 7.30am. [Twelve] of them in total, some of them in plain clothes from the counter-terrorism police. They said she was under arrest for ‘content that she has posted online.’ Her house is being raided, and they have seized all her electronic devices.” MENA Uncensored, a media company recognized by Lebanon’s Ministry of Information for whom Wilkinson is a contributor and roving reporter, said that she was detained for “supporting the Palestinian resistance and relaying what is really happening in Gaza and the West Bank to the world.” The publisher said the UK government alleges that Wilkinson supports terrorism. MENA Uncensored also published on its X account a copy of a letter it issued last April spelling out the role of Wilkinson as a reporter assigned to “cover the unfolding crisis in the Eastern Mediterranean region, particularly in Gaza, including accompanying the Freedom Flotilla aimed at breaking the maritime siege imposed on Gaza.”

Massive Attack delighted soaked fans – Massive Attack’s hometown gig was everything I imagined and more. Massive Attack fans gathered on The Downs last night (Sunday, August 25) to watch Bristol’s band perform what may be their final gig in the city. Echoing times gone by, the clouds closed in just as the headline act began and a torrential downpour followed. Although many soaked-through gig goers packed up and left around halfway through the set, most were happy to brave the rain. Donning ponchos and holding camping chairs above their heads, people were in good spirits. Despite now being in the later years of their careers, Massive Attack sounded fantastic. I overheard many fans whispering phrases such as “they sound just like on the tracks.” Horace Andy supported Massive Attack with ‘Girl I Love You’, followed by Elizabeth Fraser of the Cocteau Twins with ‘Black Milk.’ Now 60, Fraser delivered the same stellar vocals we heard when ‘Teardrop’ was released. The day started when gates opened at 2pm. Buses were running regularly between Bristol Temple Meads and The Downs, though despite road closures, there was a taxi drop-off point taking guests not travelling by bike or public transport directly to the entrance queue.

Palestine Action. Elbit in North Bristol. Bristol Palestine Alliance. 3 Aid Workers killed in Gaza by Elbit drones – deliberately. Middle East Eye – Richard Bernard charged. Richard Bernard clip. Gaza war – Hamas beaten? Roger Waters on Sarah Wilkinson being arrested. UK police charge co-founder of Palestine Action under Terrorism Act Richard Barnard is accused of expressing support for Hamas and has been charged with two counts of criminal damage The co-founder of Palestine Action has been charged with violating the Terrorism Act after a series of speeches in Manchester and Bradford. Richard Barnard stands accused of “expressing an opinion that is supportive of a proscribed organisation contrary to section 12 of the Terrorism Act 2000”. Barnard, 41, will appear before the Westminster Magistrates’ Court on 18 September, where he also faces two charges of encouraging or intending to encourage criminal damage. The charges stem from an investigation by the specialised Counter Terrorism Policing North West (CTPNW) unit into a demonstration held on 8 October in Manchester after Hamas launched an attack on southern Israel. Police have accused Barnard of expressing an opinion or belief in support of a proscribed organisation, namely Hamas, and of encouraging criminal damage. He also faces an additional charge of encouraging criminal damage for a speech he delivered in Bradford. On the same day Barnard was charged, counterterrorism police raided the home of another Palestine Action activist suspected of involvement in a breach at an Elbit Systems research facility. Last month, police arrested 10 activists who participated in the raid on a factory in Bristol, detaining them without charge under the Terrorism Act. They were later charged with non-terror offences and remanded to prison. Palestine Action has targeted various Elbit sites across the UK, including factories in Leicester, Oldham and Shenstone, as well as the company’s headquarters in London.
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‘Exporting Wars’ film – money from wars. The West Bank killings this week. Weapons Makers Enjoy Record 555% Shareholders’ Returns Lena Petrova, a prominent voice on geopolitics and finance, recently shed light on the staggering profits being enjoyed by weapons manufacturers. In a video titled “EXPORTING WARS: Weapons Makers Enjoy Record 555% Shareholders’ Returns as They Sabotage Peace Talks,” Petrova exposes how the military-industrial complex is reaping extraordinary financial rewards while actively undermining efforts for peace. The numbers she presents are both shocking and thought-provoking. The Role of the Military-Industrial Complex According to Petrova, the military-industrial complex has become one of the most profitable sectors globally, largely due to ongoing conflicts and wars. She argues that these companies, far from being neutral players, have a vested interest in perpetuating war. The staggering figure she highlights – a 555% return for shareholders – underscores the immense financial gains these companies have made, particularly through the sale of weapons to conflict zones like Ukraine and Israel. Rheinmetall’s Record-Breaking Profits One of the key players Petrova discusses is Rheinmetall, a German military manufacturer. She reveals that Rheinmetall has seen its profits double in recent years, a feat achieved largely through the sale of weapons to Ukraine amid the ongoing conflict there. The company reported an unprecedented 91% operating profit, a figure that Petrova describes as unheard of in the industry. This success, however, comes with a dark side, as it is fueled by the very conflicts that are claiming countless lives. The Transformation of Rheinmetall Petrova provides a compelling narrative on how Rheinmetall has evolved from a relatively small seller of auto parts to a giant in the military-industrial sector. Before the war in Ukraine, more than a third of the company’s sales were tied to non-military products. However, the shift to war-driven production has transformed Rheinmetall into a cash cow, with its market capitalization soaring from $4 billion at the end of 2021 to nearly $27 billion in less than three years. Zelenskyy’s Role and the U.S. Connection
Videos of complete show – Essentials: Michael Hudson | Blackrock/Vanguard | Tony on Brexit & The Traitors of Arnhem | Evolution | War between God & Lucifer | Plan for three World Wars | Nuclear Armed IDF Doomsday Cult | Aanirfan | Armageddonists I have known: Nick Land (1975-8) | George Monbiot (1995-8) | Manna for the Revelation Generation: CONSPIRACY CLASSICS, longer interviews/lectures
Part Two – International news review, Accelerationist, Armageddonist reports and investigations

F16 shot down ‘by US Patriot missile’ today in Ukraine. Ukraine F-16 downed by Friendly Fire from Patriot missile The Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) is looking into the crash of a Western-donated F-16 fighter aircraft by ‘friendly fire’; from a Ukraine-operated Patriot air defense system on Monday as one of the possibilities of the sudden downing of the aircraft Speaking to the Voice of America radio an AFU official said that various possibilities are being considered, including friendly fire, a technical malfunction, and pilot error. Israelis can leave but Palestinians can’t. But the exact reasons will be known only after the completion of the investigation he said. An official statement from the AFU&rsquo;s General Staff noted only that &ldquo;<em>communication was lost</em>&rdquo; with an F-16 aircraft while it was approaching the next target. As it turned out later, the plane had crashed, and the pilot was killed,</em>&rdquo; the statement read. Mariana Bezugla, Deputy Head of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on National Security, Defense, and Intelligence, stated on Facebook that a Patriot air defence system mistakenly shot down Ukrainian pilot Olexiy “Moonfish” Mesya’s F-16 due to miscommunication between units. War is war; such episodes are possible. However, the culture of deceit within the Command of the Air Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as in other senior military headquarters, leads to a deterioration in the military decision-making system,</em>” the deputy stated. Ukrainian Telegram users speculated that the crash could have been caused by one of the Russian missiles unintentionally hitting the F-16 which was on a mission to destroy the Russian missiles. According to the AFU, the F-16 shot down four Russian cruise missiles during the attack, demonstrating “high efficiency.” Some others speculated that an AFU air defense missile brought down the jet.

Tricked? Telegram CEO Pavel Durov detained at Le Bourget airport last Saturday after flying in from Azerbaijan. He told police he was on his way to meet Macron for dinner, according to the French outlet Le Canard Enchaine. Pavel Durov, owner of Telegram, arrested in France. Cyberwell Israeli ….. France slaps Telegram CEO with 12 criminal charges after Israel calls platform ‘uncooperative’ Telegram has been the ‘least cooperative’ among the social media sites in responding to Israeli censorship requests during its genocide in Gaza Telegram founder Pavel Durov is being held in custody by French authorities as part of a cyber-criminality investigation, the Paris prosecutor said in a statement on 26 August. The Russian-born billionaire and founder of the popular messaging app was arrested upon landing in the French capital on Saturday evening. The prosecutor’s statement mentioned 12 different offenses under investigation for “complicity” in organized crime, including illicit transactions, child pornography, fraud, and the refusal to disclose information to authorities. The statement added that Durov’s time in custody had been extended and could now last until Wednesday. Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson, Maria Zakharova, criticized French authorities for their double standards following Durov’s arrest. “I just remembered that in 2018, a group of 26 NGOs, including Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, Freedom House, Reporters Without Borders, the Committee to Protect Journalists, and others, condemned a Russian court’s decision to block Telegram. The West made other similar statements,” Zakharova stated. Telegram has played an important role in the ongoing information war surrounding the genocide in Gaza. Supporters of Palestinians have been able to use the app to freely share information exposing ongoing Israeli war crimes while highlighting the efforts of Hamas, Hezbollah, Yemen, and Iran to resist Israel. It is unclear if Israel had a role in Durov’s detention in Paris on Saturday. Last week, Haaretz reported that “Telegram has proved a massive challenge for Israel since the start of the war.” This includes sensitive data leaks from Israel acquired by hackers and released on Telegram channels. The Israeli newspaper noted, “While many tech firms have streamlined mechanisms through which states can reach out to them” to censor content, “Telegram is considered the least cooperative of them all.” Haaretz adds, “More than that, while many social media platforms have invested heavily in moderation, allowing people and organizations to help monitor content – for example, the removal of antisemitic content or posts inciting terrorism or even the removal of videos from the October 7 massacre – Telegram has not.” Israel has been successful in controlling and censoring information on other social media apps, including Instagram, Facebook, X, and TikTok, via the lobbying of Cyberwell, an NGO with extensive links to Israeli intelligence. On 23 August, Resistance News Network’s (RNN) Telegram channel was banned across the EU, prompting them to activate their backup. On 16 August, Facebook and Instagram parent company Meta permanently banned The Cradle from its social media platforms for allegedly violating community guidelines by “praising terrorist organizations” and engaging in “incitement to violence.” The Cradle had surpassed 107,000 followers and amassed millions of views due to its coverage of Israel’s genocide of Palestinians in Gaza.
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RT – Andre Kelin – London Ambassador to Russia. Ambassador Andrei Kelin’s interview with RT, August 28, 2024 The IDF is believed to have launched its biggest raid on the West Bank in over twenty years, reportedly killing 10 Palestinians with the Israeli foreign minister calling for the fight in Gaza to spread to the area. Questions are rising in the West over its support for Ukraine. In an exclusive comment to RT, Russian ambassador to the UK Andrei Kelin says that many disagree with current politics but choose to keep silent.

People controlling things.

Zionist Rabbis’ ‘Seven Noahide Laws’ to govern ‘gentile untermensch’? True News – Steven – Jana Ben Nunn – Secret Doctrine in Israel – Trump as Messiah? Or antichrist? Early 2020 video: Trunews. Steven Ben-Nun, Jana BenNun. Noahide laws / antichrist / third temple / digital world government/ A.I – Information and insight into Zionists’ extreme version of Judaism. How its incompatible with Christianity. The plan for a one world government based in Israel, with non-jews bound under jews by the 7 Noahide laws, from the jewish “holy” book talmud.- Israeli News Live is an independent news source, examining world events from a prophetic out look. At Israeli News Live we examine world headlines and their relevancy to Biblical Prophecy. In the latter days that we are living in as many call the “End Times” people globally are concerned about where we are in light of Biblical Prophecy. Many people want to know, who is the Antichrist, when will the Gog and Magog war begin, is Russia a key player? What about Israel, Is Prime Minister Netanyahu for The Building of the Third Temple, why did Shimon Peres sign a covenant with the Vatican, what will be the “Seven Year Covenant” that Daniel speaks about and when will Armageddon begin? There are many questions on peoples hearts and news events are transpiring at lightning speed. ISIS has become many peoples greatest fear and yet the Vatican uses ISIS, ISIl, Hamas, the Palestinians, Hezbollah, and even Iran as their warriors. Soon all nations will come against Israel, in an Apocalypse type of Battle. Psalm 83 is not a war but a confederacy that the Popes of Rome have made against the Jews

Rewilding Britain Timeline – Partners George Monbiot and Rebecca Wrigley’s Cover For WEF/Private Equity’s Enclosure By Stealth?

WEF-Wrigley-Monbiot’s Corporate ‘Rewilding’ Scam INVESTIGATION: To Enable Multinational Corporatinss To Buy Up UK Farmland On The Cheap – Rewilding is listed on the World Economic Forum’s website. The WEF say: “..In the future, food will be produced more intensively in fewer areas”, and “less productive land will be used for rewilding”, “Rewilding has gone global, and rewilding projects are growing in more than 70 countries across Asia, Africa, Europe, Australia, Latin America and North America.” “The Global Rewilding Alliance, which was created in 2020, says rewilding the Earth will “stabilize the climate, halt mass extinction, and reduce the risks of new pandemics”. (THE LATTER COMMENT REF PANDEMICS SEEMS BIZARRE? – DOES IT HINT AT THE COVID19 ‘PANDEMIC’ BEING LINKED TO THE WEF AND THEIR GREAT RESET?) 1992 – ongoing. The WEF has claimed to be able to insert it’s Young Global Leaders (YGLs) into world Governments to deliver WEF policies (presumably including Rewilding). Already in the first year of WEF’S Young Global Leaders (YGL)training programme, 1992, a number of highly influential candidates were elected. Among 200 selected were global profiles such as Angela Merkel, Tony Blair, Nicolas Sarkozy, Bill Gates, Bono, Richard Branson (Virgin), Jorma Ollila (Shell Oil), and José Manuel Barroso (President of the European Commission 2004–2014) (Personal conversation has suggested that around half of the current members of the Cabinet of the current British Parliament may be WEF trained YGLs.) Klaus Schwab, head of the World Economic Forum, has claimed that the WEF have penetrated many world government cabinets: The World Economic Forum (WEF) is an international non-governmental and lobbying organisation….founded on 24 January 1971 by German engineer and economist Klaus Schwab. The foundation is mostly funded by its 1,000 member companies – typically global enterprises with over US$5 billion in turnover, & views its own mission as “improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic, and other leaders of society to shape global, regional, and industry agendas”. Also: North Western Research Institute (NWRI) “The Forum suggests that a globalised world is best managed by a self-selected coalition of multinational corporations, governments and civil society organizations ..which it expresses through initiatives like the “Great Reset”.
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March Toward Agenda 2030 The Expose News: “Obscured by noble-sounding verbiage, the text of the World Economic Forum’s Agenda 2030 hides a hideous truth. When you look past the “sustainable development” jargon, it’s clear they want to take away your goods, such as electrical appliances, motor vehicles and even property rights.” 2023 February Video: “Whitney Webb | What is the World Economic Forum?” Investigative journalist Whitney Webb reveals the inner workings of the World Economic Forum (“WEF”), the driving force behind The Great Reset. “The World Economic Forum (WEF) plays a significant role in guiding international developments in the interests of the business community.” ..”These are dreams where the powerful stay powerful, and the underclasses continue to toil and suffer. solidify corporate control over the governments’ of the world”.

WEF Promotes Fascist Ideology WEF often speaks about the “transformative potential of public-private partnerships.” According to WEF:3 The private sector needs to speak the language of social change, and the public sector needs to create economic incentives to harness the private sector’s innovation and expertise to address society’s challenges. With shared goals, targeted action and monitored impact, we can move beyond dialogue and aspiration to the co-creation of a more inclusive, prosperous and sustainable future. It sounds good in theory. But what, exactly, is a public-private partnership? It’s when private entities like multinational corporations join with the public sector, putting the two on equal ground. The problem is that most politicians receive money and other favours from these same multinational corporations, so many facets of the government are essentially owned by these corporations. In this way, Webb says, “It’s really more of a private-private partnership, and what you have there is essentially a means of implementing specific policies being controlled, more often than not, by the corporate sector and promoting what is essentially a fusion of the private and public sector.”4 Webb compares this ideology to that of Benito Mussolini, founder of Italy’s National Fascist Party:5 Mussolini … defined his particular brand of fascism in the early and mid-20th century as corporatism emerging of private and public power. Looking at it through that frame of reference essentially the World Economic Forum … is promoting a fascistic ideology around the world. They have a habit of creating policies through both the public-private partnerships that are housed within the World Economic Forum and affiliated with but external to the World Economic Forum. Those policies are given then to governments around the world, and many governments around the world have a lot of prominent officials who in the past have been trained by the “leadership programs” of the World Economic Forum and its affiliates.

Tony’s Bible Revelation study. Patrizia Opulenza poem. February 2008 – Revelation 6 – The Four Horsemen and Beyond – The prophetic timetable June 2009 – [latest 2 page document of Revelation/Illuminati timeline for printing Two page word document for printing Revelation timeline] – The Four Horsemen and Beyond Prophetic timeline compiled by Tony Gosling, Tribulation events foreseen by the apostle John in Revelation. Quoting extra material from Timothy R. Phillips in the End Times Bible, World Publishing. Whether or not you believe apostle and gospel author John’s roller-coaster Revelation is God-inspired you can be sure of one thing: fanatical Christian Right, war-hungry leaders & other fakers are looking at it closely, so that they can compare their own plans and reinterpret the shocking events of Revelation. They plan to use the media to spin themselves as the good guys. See un-Biblical, racist ‘Zionism’ for example. Four events that signal the beginning of the end of the world In the first century, the apostle John’s day, the noise of galloping horses’ hooves hitting the ground inspired fear. It was the ominous sound of an enemy’s approach. So when John described four horsemen who would begin the process of unleashing judgement (tribulation) on the earth, the familiar but awful sound of approaching horses would have been ringing in his readers’ ears. In Revelation 6, John describes them. The first rides a dazzling white horse; the second, a fiery red horse; the third, a black horse; and the fourth, a deathly pale horse. Each one has a mission related to the Passover lamb’s (Jesus’) breaking of the first four seals of judgement up in heaven. During the Tribulation two pairs of opposing human figures are set to feature prominently in world affairs. The antichrist (eg. Revelation 11:7 and 13:3) and false prophet (Revelation 16:13; 19:19-20; 20:10), satan’s political and spiritual world puppets. Opposing them will be the two witnesses of God (Revelation 11:3).

Tony’s book: The Siege of Heaven Reader – occult government since the English civil war (2020) – Spiritual Warfare – Christian activists’ Kingdom toolkit – 259 Elements of the Christ’s Kingdom Order of Service – 262 Israel now, Antichrist crusader state? – 263 Suggested ingredients – in Christ’s Kingdom order of service – 271 New World Order Modus Operandi. Push invisibly, for world government – 274 Freemasonry – coven and lodge – rituals in common with witchcraft – 277 Satan’s Upside Down Kingdom – 280 The Siege of Heaven -281 Significant nights of the year to pagans and occultists -288 The Sinners’ Prayer – and William Holman Hunt’s painting – 292 Tony’s ‘Journalists’ Guide’ – antidote to the BBC style book – 293 Land and Money timeline – Templars, Zionism and Globalism – 314-346 — Generally short extracts from longer works – published in the midst of November 2020’s bogus UK ‘lockdown light’. It becomes clear arms, banks, big pharma chum lobbyists Portland Communications boss George Pascoe-Watson with Lord Bethell who funded and managed UK health secretary Matt Hancock’s 2019 Tory leadership campaign were steering Covid ministerial discussions from the start of the plandemic. Since the Anglo-Zionist empire has been defeated militarily in the Middle East by Russia, they’ve turned their attention on subduing their own population, crushing journalism in the person of Julian Assange – bringing the China authoritarian surveillance state to the west, under guise of a never-ending pandemic modelled on their never ending war on terror. Contents – The Siege Of Heaven Reader post-medieval articles on occult spiritual and political power 1649 Oliver Cromwell – regicide cult and origins of Freemasonry, Abbe Larudan (1746) – 5 Former English Civil War Army Officer turned ‘Leveller’ John Lilburne encounters Cromwell’s ‘Council of State’ in 1649 – 10 

Tony’s paperback and eBooks Traitors Of Arnhem, Siege Of Heaven; Siege Of Heaven Reader – all available for donation, or to buy, via
Tony, Dave and Martin’s NOT The BCfm Politics show CANCELLED/EVICTED from People’s Republic of Stokes Croft (PRSC) arts centre – email from Chloe Slater and Keith Cowling explaining why: ‘Transphobic’ leaflets were left in the building by a recent guest! Please let us know when you or Dave would like to come and retrieve your equipment and drop off your keys. Kind regards PRSC Directors (Keith Cowling, chair) PRSC / Stokes Croft China 17-35 Jamaica St Bristol BS2 8JP.
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only by station manager Pat Hart, ‘rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020. Bristol Community FM (BCfm) charity ‘CEO’ Patrick Hart is a longtime personal friend of Bristol’s all-powerful right-wing ‘Labour’ mayor Marvin Rees. Now on Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is available 17:00-c. 21:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart replaced us with an inane student show repeating MSM stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on his deliberate dumbing-down and pro-Covid jab mismanagement you can contact UK broadcasting regulator Ofcom or BCfm board chair and the ‘Don’ himself, here.

INTERVIEWS [right click to download]
#1 - Complete 3hr 40min show - [right click to download]
~ Full interviews with...
#2 - Pavlo Durov on Tucker Carlson Telegram Creator CEO on Elon Musk, Resisting FBI Attacks - 01:00:00
#3 - Kier Starmer 'Things Can Only Get Worse' speech plus Berlin w Chancellor Olaf Schultz - 00:50:00
#4 - Palestine Action Huda Ammori, Richard Barnard Why choose direct action - 00:10:00
#5 - RFK Jr. speaks at Aug 23 Trump rally - 00:12:00
#6 - Andrei Kelin Russian Ambassador to UK on RT 28Aug24 - 00:12:00
#7 - nothing
#8 - Farmland WARS Glen Beck The Global TAKEOVER of American Land - 00:45:00
#9 - Jana Ben-Nun Trunews noahide antichrist new temple digital world government AI - 01:25:00
#10 - Exporting Wars w Lena Petrova, Weapons Makers Enjoy Record 555% Shareholders Returns and Sabotage Peace Talks - 00:10:00

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