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Program Information
State Of The City reports
The “Mafia” Holding The Elite’s Bitcoin The companies poised to dominate the digital financial infrastructure
 Bristol Broadband Co-operative  Contact Contributor
Aug. 23, 2024, midnight
– Mike Lynch and others die in yacht disaster – murder or accident? Politico: Mike Lynch yacht disaster: Missing tycoon’s ties to UK spy chiefs
– PETITION: Stella Maris CANCELLED from elected posts at St. Andrews University after calling for a ceasefire in Gaza on email. SIGN THE PETITION
– Owen Jones on this subject on his You Tube channel. Labour halts Tory law on freedom of speech in English universities Education secretary ‘to consider options’
– Israel ‘blacken names and cancel people’ manual. Israel’s leaked Hasbara manual [DOWNLOAD PDF] intended for distribution amongst opinion-forming Zionists.
– So Ofgem tell us that the 10% increase in the energy prices is. “the result of higher prices on the international energy market owing to geopolitical tensions and extreme weather”. – – Below is a chart of wholesale energy prices. We are being scammed……yet again
– Ed Milliband on why fuel prices going up, and cut to Winter Fuel payment. Coming recession, depression, financial crash. Ed Miliband: Energy bill saboteur
– Dr. Richard Lindzen on eugenics and scientific consensus. Keynote: Science, consensus and the politics of climate change
– Examples of political movements claiming a scientific basis. immigration restriction, eugenics (in the US after WW1), antisemitism and race ideology (in Hitler’s Germany)
– Scott Ritter, ex US Marine Corps, on British NATO working with Ukraine in Kursk– supply lines in to Kursk cut off by Russia – Ukraine ran out of fuel. Kursk nuclear plant.
– Palestine Hijacked, How Zionism Forged An Apartheid State From The River To The Sea
– Tom Suarez, author of ‘Palestine Hijacked: How Zionism Forged an Apartheid State, from the River to the Sea’, joins Tony and Martin
– Tom taught violin in the West Bank, Palestine, Israel’s Weaponization of Anti-Jewish Racism Begins with the Word “Anti-Semitism”
– Israeli lobby in UK and US – powerful. Ilan Pappe on his new book ‘Lobbying for Zionism on Both Sides of the Atlantic’. Coverage of Gaza genocide in the press. The Stern Gang
– Stern Gang on Al Jazeera. How a Zionist armed group helped create state of Israel | Al Jazeera - Avraham Stern, leader of a Zionist armed group that fought the British in WWII
– Why Ilan Pappe’s new book on the Israel lobby is a must-read Few are better qualified to challenge the official orthodoxy that stifles any discussion of this topic
– Nick Griffin, former leader of BNP, on how he was offered funding by US with two caveats – 1. Be anti Islam 2. Don’t criticize banking system.
– Journalist Richard Medhurst, arrested at Heathrow, under Terrorism Act, for his journalism. I Was Arrested at Heathrow Airport as a “Terrorist” for My Journalism
– How to get peace in Israel-Palestine. Tom Suárez has written and lectured extensively on the Palestinian issue, including at major UK and UK universities
– Uniting Jews and Muslims in Prayer, Toward Reconciliation Between Abrahamic Faiths
– DefenceSec Ben Wallace interviewed by Evan Davis on BBC – is it ok to use Storm Shadow Missiles in Kursk? ISIS militants held in Russian jail, take hostages and kill four
– Kamala Harris’s speech on accepting nomination for candidacy. Full DNC speech: Kamala Harris shares policy goals, slams Trump
– Neil Oliver [we heard last week] blocked by YouTube over [more fake] antisemitism claims – [Watch Whitney Webb interviewed by Neil Oliver on eugenics, H.G. Wells, and AI.
– Whitney Webb is under attack from corporate media as they attempt to build a narrative that she is anti-semitic The Times is attempting to smear Whitney Webb
– The “Mafia” Holding The Elite’s Bitcoin The companies poised to dominate the digital financial infrastructure of Latin America Mark Goodwin interview
– Iran says no foul play in helicopter going down killing President and others Iranian agencies define helicopter crash that killed Raisi as accident —
– Putin says those fed up with West can move to Russia Russia offers safe haven for people trying to escape Western liberal ideals
– Netanyahu snub - UK government withdrew objection to the ICC prosecutor’s arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Israeli defence minister Yoav Gallant over alleged war crimes.’…
– US Intellectual Noam Chomsky has partially recovered from a stroke – on the future of our world – China is a far bigger issue than Russia.
– Russia's Sergei Lavrov how Russia sees multipolarity arising now naturally and how Moscow is supporting this process.
– NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
Part One – Local and National News Review

Mike Lynch [see full article at bottom of page] and others die in yacht disaster – murder or accident? Politico: Mike Lynch yacht disaster: Missing tycoon’s ties to UK spy chiefs The serial entrepreneur’s business ventures are entangled in the worlds of both U.K. and U.S. intelligence. LONDON ­ It was a freak yachting accident that gripped the world. And the disappearance of British tech tycoon Mike Lynch in stormy seas off the coast of Sicily was even made stranger by the fact that two days earlier, his business partner Stephen Chamberlain was fatally injured in a car accident. As long-standing business associates, the pair were tried as co-defendants in a fraud trial over the sale of software company Autonomy to Hewlett-Packard for $11 billion (£7 billion). Following the sale of Autonomy in 2011, Lynch co-founded the cybersecurity firm Darktrace and Chamberlain was appointed chief financial officer. The Cambridge-based company fights cyberattacks using software that learns the behavioral patterns of every actor within an organization and detects unusual activity. There is nothing so far to indicate foul play in either man’s respective accidents, which have been put down to a tragic coincidence. Adding to the intrigue, however, are the business partners’ ties to the worlds of U.K. and U.S. intelligence. – Spy connections – Lynch co-founded Darktrace in partnership with former U.K. intelligence officials in 2013. One of the co-founders was Stephen Huxter, a high-ranking figure in MI5’s cyber defense team, who became a managing director at Darktrace. Lynch’s $1 billion VC fund Invoke Capital ­ set up following the sale of Autonomy ­ backed the Cambridge University spin-out with an initial investment of £12 million.

PETITION: Stella Maris CANCELLED from elected posts at St. Andrews University after calling for a ceasefire in Gaza on email. SIGN THE PETITION: University of St Andrews to reverse its discriminatory decision to dismiss Rector Stella Maris NOW. We are shocked by the egregious decision the University of St Andrews has taken to dismiss Rector Stella Maris from the university’s governing body, and from her position as a trustee, after she called for an end to Israel’s genocide and apartheid in November 2023. The unconscionable violence Israel has continued to unleash with impunity has so far killed over 40,000 Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, in what has been recognised by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) as a plausible case of genocide. In July 2024, the ICJ ruled that Israel’s occupation of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip is unlawful, and that Israel’s actions violate the international prohibition on racial segregation and apartheid. The International Criminal Court is also seeking arrest warrants for Israel’s Prime Minister and Defence Minister for crimes against humanity and war crimes, including using starvation as a weapon of war, a view backed by the UN Human Rights Council. Rector Stella Maris was elected by students to represent their voice independently, and whilst she maintains the title, she is being prevented from carrying out this duty. Further to undermining academic freedom, her dismissal which a KC-led investigation commissioned by the university concluded would be disproportionate, is the latest instance of the misuse of university disciplinary processes used to target Palestinians and pro-Palestinian voices. This contributes to a chilling effect on campuses, leading staff and students to self-censor.

Owen Jones on this subject on his You Tube channel. Labour halts Tory law on freedom of speech in English universities Education secretary ‘to consider options’ including repeal of controversial powers introduced by last government Powers introduced by the Conservatives to protect freedom of speech in universities have been halted by the new government in a dramatic about-turn, paving the way for ministers to scrap the legislation. Only days before it was due to come into force, the education secretary said she had decided to “stop further commencement of the Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Act 2023, in order to consider options, including its repeal”. Bridget Phillipson also announced major changes to the work of the higher education regulator in England, the Office for Students (OfS), in order to prioritise financial stability in the sector, as many universities struggle in the face of a mounting financial crisis. The legislation, which faced bitter opposition from the point of its inception, required universities and student unions to take “reasonable steps” to promote free speech, or face sanctions by the regulator including possible fines. Phillipson was accused of pursuing “ideological dogma” by Damian Hinds, the former schools minister who is now the shadow education secretary. “Free speech is a fundamental right, and this must extend to universities. Without the ability to freely express views in higher education, these centres of learning risk becoming centres of co-option and intolerance,” he said. “The fact this Labour government is willing to scrap the measures we put in place to protect these rights makes clear that they are willing to sacrifice the next generation on the altar of their own ideological dogma.”

Israel ‘blacken names and cancel people’ manual. Israel’s leaked Hasbara manual [DOWNLOAD PDF] Hasbara (2009 manual) The 2009 Global Language Dictionary is a 116 page document intended for distribution amongst opinion-forming Zionists. It is also known as the Luntz Report. It is a project of the pro-Israel lobby group known as “The Israel Project” or TIP and is based on work done for them by well-known pollster and master of focus groups, Frank Luntz. The aim of the project was to determine the best convincing language with which to project a positive view of Israel, in particular, language that would tend to justify the settlements. Or, in the words of TIP’s founder, to “formulate communications strategy”. When it was leaked, critics of Israel dubbed it the “Hasbara Manual” and assumed it to be evidence that Zionist public relations is very professional and very well funded. The results of the study and the publication of the “dictionary” were intended to be secret, and the manual produced was marked “Not for distribution or publication”. However, this did not save it from being leaked to the great amusement of critics. Perhaps as a result of copyright concerns, the text is no longer widely available on the web (as at Sept 2011). It is believed that justifying the settlements is the primary purpose of this relatively expensive project. The study states that “public opinion is hostile to the settlements – even among supporters of Israel” so instead of dwelling on settlements one should always talk positively and focus on past peace achievement. The Manual was released soon after “Operation Cast Lead” (or the “Gaza War” as some supporters of Israel prefer to call it) and comes with some passages apparently written to justify that bombing. Winter Fuel Payment cut and fuel prices to go up in October. Blowing up of Nord Stream 2 pipeline. Price fixing of energy.

So Ofgem tell us that the 10% increase in the energy prices is. “the result of higher prices on the international energy market owing to geopolitical tensions and extreme weather”. Below is a chart of wholesale energy prices. We are being scammed……yet again

Ed Milliband on why fuel prices going up, and cut to Winter Fuel payment. Coming recession, depression, financial crash. Ed Miliband: Energy bills rise because UK doesn’t control its own power THE UK’s Energy Secretary Ed Miliband has said household energy bills will be going up from October because the UK does not control its own power. The average household energy bill is set to increase by £149 after Ofgem said it was raising its price cap. The regulator announced it is hiking its price cap by 10% from the current £1568 for a typical household in England, Scotland and Wales to £1717. Ofgem said rising prices in the international energy market, due to heightened political tensions and extreme weather events, were the main driver behind the decision. Miliband also told Sky News that the rise in energy prices was a “direct result” of the UK’s “exposure to international gas markets”, adding that the UK does not have energy security. Labour have previously pledged to cut household energy bills by £300. Miliband said: “I know this will be worrying news for lots of families who will be facing even greater struggles this winter and it’s a direct result of our country’s exposure to international gas markets that are controlled by dictators and that is a legacy left to us by the last government. “That’s why this government has a plan to do something about it – our mission for clean, homegrown power that we control in this country. It’s why we’ve hit the ground running in just seven weeks, consenting new solar power, overturning the ban on onshore wind, precisely to give our country the energy security we don’t have at the moment. “This government will also do everything it can to protect bill payers – reforming the regulator so it’s a strong champion of consumers, making standing charges fairer, and increasing funding for energy efficiency so people can cut bills.”

Dr. Richard Lindzen on eugenics and scientific consensus. Keynote: Science, consensus and the politics of climate change Professor Richard Lindzen, Sloan Professor of Atmospheric Sciences Emeritus, MIT; member, US National Academy of Science In modern history there are several examples of political movements claiming a scientific basis. From immigration restriction and eugenics (in the US after WW1) to antisemitism and race ideology (in Hitler’s Germany) and communism and Lysenkoism (under Stalin). Each of these claimed a scientific consensus that allowed highly educated citizens, who were nonetheless ignorant of science, to have their anxieties alleviated. What then are we to make of the scientific consensus about climate change? At the very least, does the scientific consensus support the idea of an “existential” threat posed by climate change? On this, and other climate issues, the ordinary people are often more sceptical than the elite. Why is this? This keynote is part of the event Climate Change:?beyond the ‘consensus’:

Scott Ritter, ex US Marine Corps, on British working with Ukraine in Kursk, and NATO tech being used. Modi visits Russia and Ukraine. US made bombs in Kursk. Scott Ritter – supply lines in to Kursk cut off by Russia – Ukraine ran out of fuel. Kursk nuclear plant. Scott Ritter on Ukrainian forces running out of fuel in Kursk – : Will Russia Attack NATO? Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom Streamed live on 22 Aug 2024 Scott Ritter : Will Russia Attack NATO? Scott Ritter : Will Russia Attack NATO? Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom Streamed live on 22 Aug 2024 Scott Ritter : Will Russia Attack NATO? Scott Ritter : Will Russia Attack NATO? Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom Streamed live on 22 Aug 2024 Scott Ritter : Will Russia Attack NATO? Scott Ritter : Will Russia Attack NATO? Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom Streamed live on 22 Aug 2024 Scott Ritter : Will Russia Attack NATO? Scott Ritter : Will Russia Attack NATO? Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom Streamed live on 22 Aug 2024 Scott Ritter : Will Russia Attack NATO? Scott Ritter : Will Russia Attack NATO? Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom Streamed live on 22 Aug 2024 Scott Ritter : Will Russia Attack NATO? Scott Ritter : Will Russia Attack NATO? Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom Streamed live on 22 Aug 2024 Scott Ritter : Will Russia Attack NATO?

Tom Suarez, author of ‘Palestine Hijacked: How Zionism Forged an Apartheid State, from the River to the Sea’, joins Tony and Martin online. Tom taught violin in the West Bank, Palestine, and learnt a lot about the situation in the area. Can Israel get rid of Hamas? Israel’s Weaponization of Anti-Jewish Racism Begins with the Word “Anti-Semitism” [download pdf] Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, August/September 2024 By Tom Suárez RAISE THE ISSUE of Palestine, and six syllables­anti-Semitism­are never far away. Yet like so much of the terminology entwined in the subject, these six overworked 19th-century syllables silently perform pro-Israel propaganda independent of the serious concept they allegedly represent. It is of course hardly in silence that Israel uses rumblings of “anti-Semitism” to smear Palestinian aspirations for liberation, cranking up the volume whenever control of the “narrative” risks slipping from the state’s grip. Since October 7, as Israel commits genocide in Gaza in full view of the world, the word “anti-Semitism” has been in unprecedented demand. Politicians betray their country and repress their public in fear of the word, as the presidents of the most esteemed universities are hauled to Congress to cower before it and its associated messianic psycho-babble. It is wielded so farcically that even London is now said to be unsafe for Jews as a result of the “pro-Palestinian” crowd. At the core of this weaponization of anti-Semitism is the racist lie that the struggle for Palestinian liberation is somehow tainted with (or indeed has anything whatsoever to do with) hatred of Jews­a lie itself dependent on the equally racist invention at the heart of the entire Zionist enterprise: that Zionism and Israel have, intrinsically, something to do with Jews as Jews. Yet the media uncritically repeat the farcical. British Jews want “to flee the UK as anti-Semitism soars,” a March headline in the The Standard warns, and indeed “‘make plans to flee capital’ amid huge anti-Semitism wave,” in the words of a Standard headline. These are but a sampling of articles warning of such rampant anti-Jewish hate that Jews fear for their lives­heightened hyperbole of a decades-long legacy of the political exploitation of anti-Jewish racism by pro-Zionist organizations such as the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism, the Community Security Trust, the Board of Deputies and the (U.S.) Anti-Defamation League.

The Stern Gang on Al Jazeera. How a Zionist armed group helped create the state of Israel | Al Jazeera World Documentary – Avraham Stern, leader of a Zionist armed group that fought the British in Palestine, aimed to create a Jewish state. National Jewish hero or radical Zionist paramilitary leader? Avraham Stern was the leader of the Stern Gang, one of the Jewish armed groups that fought the British Mandate in Palestine in the 1930s and early ’40s. This film tells his story through his own son and a range of contemporary historians. It presents both pro- and anti-Zionist sides of a controversial narrative – who Stern was, how he set up and ran the Stern Gang and how he led it in fighting the British administration and Palestinians with the ultimate aim of founding a Jewish state. Some historians believe he may have collaborated with the Nazis and accepted money and weapons in a deal that enabled them to ship large numbers of Jews from Germany to Palestine. Whatever the evidence, this is fascinating insight into a major figure in the Jewish movement that led to the creation of Israel.

Israeli lobby in UK and US – powerful. Ilan Pappe on his new book ‘Lobbying for Zionism on Both Sides of the Atlantic’. Coverage of Gaza genocide in the press. Lobbying for Zionism on both sides of the Atlantic with Prof. Ilan Pappe – Middle East Eye – Join us live for a panel discussion on the influence of the Zionist lobby in the US and the UK, featuring Prof. Ilan Pappe, Dr Ghada Karmi, Dr Daud Abdullah, and Prof. Nur Masalha.Moderated by Dr Anas Altikriti, the panel will explore the push for military aid, recognition of occupied territories, and the erasure of Palestinian rights.

Why Ilan Pappe’s new book on the Israel lobby is a must-read Few are better qualified to challenge the official orthodoxy that stifles any discussion of this topic No review has yet been published of Professor Ilan Pappe’s magnificent and passionate new book on the Zionist lobby. This silence is no surprise. Even a passing reference to the lobby is liable to lead to charges of antisemitism and potential career destruction. Faiza Shaheen was dropped like a stone last month as Labour candidate for the London seat of Chingford and Woodford Green. “There have been complaints, allegedly, about her ‘liking’ a tweet that referred to the ‘Israel lobby’ – widely considered an anti-Semitic trope,” reported the New Statesman’s associate political editor, Rachel Cunliffe. On a now-infamous Newsnight appearance following her defenestration, a tearful Shaheen apologised for liking the tweet and accepted it was a “trope”. She didn’t have much choice. The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), the statutory regulator, agrees. In 2020, it cited a claim that the “Israel lobby” was behind antisemitism complaints as evidence supporting a finding of unlawful antisemitic harassment. Pappe has entered perilous territory. Few are better qualified to challenge the official orthodoxy that discussion of the Israel lobby is out of bounds. None are more battle-hardened.

Nick Griffin, former leader of BNP, on how he was offered funding by US with two caveats – 1. Be anti Islam 2. Don’t criticize banking system.

Journalist Richard Medhurst, arrested at Heathrow, under Terrorism Act, for his journalism. I Was Arrested at Heathrow Airport as a “Terrorist” for My Journalism – The police said I have the right to inform someone I’m locked up. So I said, ok I want to call my family. And then they’d go: “well, your calls are withheld because of the nature of the alleged offense”. I tried to ask: well what’s the point of a right if you can randomly withdraw it? Why tell me that I have this right at all? And one of them said something along the lines of: “well it’s not an absolute right. It can be waived”. Similarly, they said I had the right to know why I was being detained. So I asked (again), and the police would say something like: “we’re just the arresting officers, we don’t really know”, or, “this will be explained to you during the interview”, or some other generic response. Despite the police officers’ civility and cheerfulness, I felt the whole process was designed to humiliate, intimidate, and dehumanize me; to treat me like a criminal, even though they must have been aware of my background and that I am a journalist. I was under surveillance almost the entire time, from the moment I was arrested until I was released, be it in the police van, the station, the cell­all of it. No privacy whatsoever. Many of my requests were also delayed or outright ignored. When I was detained, I asked for water several times. The police would always say “sure”, but I ended up waiting hours for a tiny cup of water. I asked if I could have my own clothes because I was in a t-shirt, it was cold and couldn’t sleep. They said they’d give me a pullover but never did. Although one guard did give me a 2nd blanket. See, you have to nag and nag for the most basic things. This is why I was afraid they weren’t even going to call a solicitor for me. I was able to see the nurse on one occasion. But on three other occasions when I asked to see the nurse, they’d say “yes”, then nothing. For many hours, no one in the world knew what had happened to me or where I was. Only the police could call a solicitor for me. I had to ask 4-5 different guards for several hours until I finally received a call. Some of my solicitor’s calls did not get through or were not answered. One of the calls, my solicitor was told would be monitored and so they simply refused to take it.

How to get peace in Israel-Palestine. Tom Suárez has written and lectured extensively on the Palestinian issue, including at major UK and UK universities and the UK House of Lords. He is best known for his 2016 book, State of Terror, “the first comprehensive and structured analysis of the violence and terror employed by the Zionist movement and later the state of Israel against the people of Palestine” (Ilan Pappé). His recent Writings on the Wall is an annotated collection of Palestinian oral histories. Suárez is a former faculty member of Palestine’s National Conservatory of Music. Thomas Suárez Tom Suárez is a violinist, composer, historical researcher, and author, a native of New York residing in London. His half-century career as a violinist has spanned chamber, orchestral, and solo performances and taken him to the four continents. The result of a long interest in the Middle East and years of archival research, his books on the subject have been praised by Noam Chomsky, Ilan Pappé, and many others.

Videos of complete show – Essentials: Michael Hudson | Blackrock/Vanguard | Tony on Brexit & The Traitors of Arnhem | Evolution | War between God & Lucifer | Plan for three World Wars | Nuclear Armed IDF Doomsday Cult | Aanirfan | Armageddonists I have known: Nick Land (1975-8) | George Monbiot (1995-8) | Manna for the Revelation Generation: CONSPIRACY CLASSICS, longer interviews/lectures

Part Two – International news review, Accelerationist, Armageddonist reports and investigations

Ben Wallace interviewed by Evan Davis on BBC – is it ok to use Storm Shadow Missiles in Kursk? ISIS militants held in Russian jail, take hostages and kill four. Ben Wallace – should Ukraine use weapons with no restrictions in Kursk. Former Conservative defence secretary Ben Wallace calls for Ukraine to be allowed to unleash Western-supplied rockets inside Russia – as Kyiv-led forces continue shock invasion of Kremlin territory An ex-tory defence secretary yesterday joined calls for Ukraine to be allowed to unleash Western-supplied rockets inside Russia. Ben Wallace, speaking as Kyiv-led forces continued their shock invasion of Kremlin territory, stated that ‘Ukraine should be allowed’ to fire the Storm Shadow missiles. It comes after the White House denied reports it was blocking a request by the UK for Ukraine to use the missiles. Mr Wallace, who stepped down last year, was behind the UK initially providing Ukraine with Storm Shadow missiles – which have a range of over 155 miles and are highly accurate. By contrast, the US-supplied Himars missiles have a range of around 50 miles. Both weapons have proved effective in striking Russian military infrastructure on the Crimean Peninsula and in eastern Ukraine. Neither has been used amid its incursion in the Kursk region due to restrictions imposed by the White House – apparently because this would represent an escalation of the conflict. Frustrations over the failure to employ the long-range rockets came as Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky suffered another blow yesterday. It emerged that Germany, to date the second biggest international donor of weapons to Kyiv, intends to suspend military aid due to budgetary constraints.

#Kamala Harris’s speech on accepting nomination for candidacy. Full DNC speech: Kamala Harris shares policy goals, slams Trump on issues as she accepts nomination CBS News – Vice President Kamala Harris talked about her experience and policy goals while knocking former President Donald Trump on several issues, including his part in the Jan. 6 insurrection, as she accepted the Democrats’ nomination for president at the DNC Thursday night. See Harris’ full remarks.

Neil Oliver video [we heard last week] blocked by YouTube over [more fake] antisemitism claims – [Watch Whitney Webb interviewed by Neil Oliver on eugenics, H.G. Wells, and AI. Scottish Press about Whitney Webb here instead] The broadcaster and former television historian has been accused of spreading conspiracy theories in an interview with an American writer Neil Oliver’s blocked video claimed that a global and criminal ruling class emerged from the “Jewish mob” The broadcaster Neil Oliver has said that YouTube blocked a video he tried to post, in which it was claimed that a global and criminal ruling class emerged from the “Jewish mob”. The former TV historian, still a regular presenter on the right-wing channel GB News, has increasingly been accused of indulging and amplifying conspiracy theories. Once a presenter on the BBC’s Coast, Oliverhas moved much of his output to YouTube, where he posts weekly interviews or monologues. Oliver, 57, announced that his most recent video ­ a discussion with the American writer Whitney Webb about an alleged ruling elite that brings together organised crime, politics and spies ­ was available on the rival platform Rumble.

Whitney Webb is under attack from corporate media as they attempt to build a narrative that she is anti-semitic The Times is attempting to smear Whitney Webb as “anti-semitic” after discussing her research on Neil Oliver’s podcast. What’s ironic is that conflating Webb’s research on Leslie Wexner and other organised crime-linked figures like the Bronfmans with “all Jews” as The Times has done in its hit piece on Webb and Oliver, is the real anti-semitism. Whitney Webb has been a professional writer, researcher and journalist since 2016. She has written for several websites and, from 2017 to 2020, was a staff writer and senior investigative reporter for MintPress News. She currently writes for her own outlet Unlimited Hangout and contributes to The Last American Vagabond and MintPress News. This week, YouTube blocked a video featuring Neil Oliver, a broadcaster and former television historian, and Whitney Webb due to alleged antisemitic content. The video, which was intended for posting on YouTube, claimed that a global and criminal ruling class emerged from the “Jewish mob,” according to The Times. The Times is behind a paywall, however, on Monday, The National published a version of The Times article about YouTube blocking Oliver’s interview with Webb. Explaining the reason for the video being taken down, BBC broadcaster Matthew Sweet said: “This video violated YouTube community guidelines. It claims a global oligarchy descended from the “Jewish mob” rules the world using false charges of antisemtism [sic] to protect it from criticism. So yes, if you want antisemitic videos from [Neil Oliver] you will have to go to Rumble” (Source). Sweet was reposting an image of a tweet from Oliver who was letting his followers know that the interview had been uploaded onto his Rumble channel. Oliver’s tweet said: this is “my interview with Whitney Webb that YouTube doesn’t want you to see.”

Whitney Webb – public/private partnerships and CBDCs vs bitcoin: [Mark Goodwin interview] The “Mafia” Holding The Elite’s Bitcoin The companies poised to dominate the digital financial infrastructure of Latin America have arisen courtesy of the self-described “mafia” multiplier, Endeavor. Flush with funds from billionaires linked to the US intelligence and organized crime, Endeavor’s influence over the CEOs it has championed promises that, with the ushering in of a new financial system, a wave of covert dollarization will shortly follow. by Mark Goodwin and Whitney Webb Before the turn of the millennium, the old adage on Wall Street was “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” This same sentiment has been exhibited and exemplified across nearly all industries, and within both the private and public sectors, whether through corporate nepotism and genetic lineage, or even more sinister means such as blackmail and power-driven coercion. As new technological advances began to become a major part of the American economy and culture, prominent figures within the CIA decided that the “information revolution” necessitated that the Agency “forge new partnerships with the private sector,” specifically what would later become the biggest names in Silicon Valley. The end result of this pivot, the CIA’s very own venture capital arm In-Q-tel, would later back a constellation of what are now powerful technology companies, while some of the wealthiest Silicon Valley CEOs would work to supercharge, in different yet complementary ways, the public-private fusion of US intelligence and tech companies critical to the global economy. As one US intelligence adviser told FOX Business regarding In-Q-tel, “If you want to keep up with Silicon Valley, you need to become part of Silicon Valley.”….. Data is the most sold commodity in the world, and the modern private sector –– led in no small part by the US’ Silicon Valley –– has seemingly become more about acquiring user data to sell rather than direct profits from business themselves. Social media, dominated by the likes of Facebook, X/Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube, has become the new frontier of venture capital, despite generally zero direct revenue inflow coming from the websites or app users themselves. These private-in-name-only companies (PINOCs) often feed on large government paychecks, including through subsidies of modern advertising budgets spent to purchase views from their large user-bases, or through initial seed-funding and technological development from former government employees. While spending most of the day hiding behind oft-unread user agreements that restrict user content –– often speech –– or sell user data –– whether for commercial or national security applications, these PINOCs grow fat off of government contracts, amassing formidable, too-big-to-fail status as platforms within the “free” marketplace of ideas.

Iran says no foul play in helicopter going down killing President and others Iranian agencies define helicopter crash that killed Raisi as accident ­ Iranian agencies wrapped up an investigation into the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash and determined that it was an accident, the Fars news agency reported, citing a source in one of the Iranian special services. “The security and intelligence services completed an in-depth investigation and there is full confidence that what happened was an accident,” he said. “The helicopter with the president onboard was carrying two more persons than safety protocols permitted, so when the pilot noticed the fog and attempted to take the helicopter to the required altitude, the helicopter lacked the power to do so and, in the conditions of limited visibility due to the fog, a collision with a mountain took place,” the source said. Special services subjected at least 30,000 people to checks after Raisi’s death, and concluded that human factor was not to blame, according to the source. He said the departure time had been set in advance, based on data from weather services, but the president’s visit to the border with Azerbaijan ran over time, so by the time of departure the weather had worsened. No GPS systems were installed on the helicopters in line with security requirements, the source said. That means the possibility of hacking the aircraft’s electronics systems and any attempts to tamper with them were ruled out.

Putin says those fed up with West can move to Russia Russia offers safe haven for people trying to escape Western liberal ideals Under the document, such foreign nationals will have the right to apply for temporary residence in Russia “outside the quota approved by the Russian government and without providing documents confirming their knowledge of the Russian language, Russian history and basic laws” Moscow will provide assistance to any foreigners who want to escape the neoliberal ideals being put forward in their countries and move to Russia, where traditional values reign supreme, according to a decree signed by President Vladimir Putin. Under the document, such foreign nationals will have the right to apply for temporary residence in Russia “outside the quota approved by the Russian government and without providing documents confirming their knowledge of the Russian language, Russian history and basic laws.” Applications may be based on the rejection of their countries’ policies “aimed at imposing destructive neoliberal ideals on people, which run counter to traditional Russian spiritual and moral values.” The values are listed in the foundations of Russia’s state policy in this field, while the Russian government is expected to compile a list of countries imposing unhealthy attitudes on their citizens. The Foreign Ministry has been instructed to start issuing three-month visas to such applicants as early as in September. In February, Putin supported the idea of Italian student Irene Cecchini that Russia should ease entry rules for those who share traditional cultural and family values. The head of state agreed that each case requires an individual approach.

Netanyahu expects UK to join in attack against Iran – snubbed – The country’s foreign minister Israel Katz told his British and French counterparts David Lammy and Stéphane Séjourné “that Israel expects France and Britain to publicly clarify to Iran that it is unacceptable for it to attack Israel and that if Iran attacks, the US-led coalition will join Israel not only in defense but also in an attack against significant targets in Iran.”

Netanyahu – arrest warrant. ‘Channel 13 claimed the Lammy meeting refusal (snub) came after the UK government withdrew its objection to the International Criminal Court prosecutor’s request for arrest warrants for Mr Netanyahu and the Israeli defence minister Yoav Gallant over alleged war crimes.’…

Noam Chomsky has partially recovered from a stroke – on the future of our world – China a bigger issue than Russia.

Patrizia Opulenza poem. Sergei Lavrov, World’s Greatest Chess Player, on the hypocrisy of the West and NATO. Finance behind everything. Sergei Lavrov gave a press conference at the UN headquarter in which he touched on many important topics, including Russia’s position on peace negotiations with Ukraine and the horrible situation in Gaza. But one aspect I found particularly interesting, which is how Russia sees multipolarity arising now naturally and how Moscow is supporting this process. I clipped these parts together so you can get an idea of what to expect from Russia in this multilateral and organic process.

#1 - Complete 3hr 45min show - [right click to download]
~Full interviews with...
#2 - Prof Richard Lintzen Keynote Science, consensus and the politics of climate change - 00:30:00
#3 - Owen Jones on Stella Maris St Andrews Uni PURGED For Opposing Israels War Crimes - 00:20:00
#4 - Scott Ritter Judging Freedom Will Russia Attack NATO - 00:30:00
#5 - BBC: Ben Wallace Ukraine Kursk Storm Shadow practical legalities Shashank Joshi 22Aug24 - 00:10:00
#6 - Avraham Stern 1940 How a Zionist armed group helped create the state of Israel Al Jazeera World Documentary - 00:40:00
#7 - Journalist Richard Medhurst On His UK Arrest Under Terrorism Act - 00:15:00
#8 - Ilan Pappe Lobbying for Zionism on Both Sides of the Atlantic (2024) - 00:30:00
#9 - Kamala Harris formally accepts her party's nomination for president at DNC - 00:40:00
#10 - Noam Chomsky about the future of our world - 00:50:00
#11 - Mark Goodwin Silicon Valley Chain of Custody Mafia Holding The Elites Bitcoin - 01:05:00

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