We've got everything from big-name artists like Otis Redding to unknowns such as The Kansas City Tomcats, a couple of brilliant but not-well-known session guitarists get their turn in the spotlight and new artist Weepin' Dave gives us his take on classic Bakersfield-style country. In other words, a typical show
Artist - Title Year The Sensational Nightingales - Will He Welcome Me There 1952 The Farmer Boys - It Pays to Advertise 1955 Dave Bartholomew - The Golden Rule 1952 Gene Autry - Wave To Me My Lady Slim Gaillard - There's No Two Ways About It 1952 Harry Choates - Louisiana Boogie 1950 Barbara Lynn - There's Something On Your Mind 1963 Otis Redding - You Left The Water Running 1966 Bro Green's Southern Sons - What Manner Of Man Merle Travis - Crazy Boogie 1948 Wynona Carr - It's Raining Outside 1955 Weepin' Dave and the Diamond Boys- Drinkin' for two 2023 Viola Watkins - You're In Love With Every One 1947 Lonnie Johnson & Clarence Williams- Wipe It Off 1930 The Prairie Ramblers - I'm A Married Man 1946 Moon Mullican - Downstream 1954 The Kansas City Tomcats - Nobody Knows 1955 Edgar Blanchard & The Gondoliers- Creole Gal Blues 1950 Larry Dale - Please Tell Me 1954 Gene Henslee - Rockin' Baby 1954 Buddy Johnson - Crazy 'Bout A Saxophone 1958